Lots of projects, in various stages, are available on the Relic News forums. You can also find a map editor there, so you can make your own new maps for the game. Finishing Dawn of War 2 is not the end – it's only the beginning!

From Wonders DB:
The Ultimate Apocalypse mod group gladly shows to the Dawn of War: Soulstorm players and fans, a willingly anticipated and pressed with epic substance diversion encounter, the Ultimate Apocalypse mod. Envision a mod offering huge Warhammer 40,000 fights where each of the 9 races in Soulstorm (and the sky is the limit from there!) have a chance at epic triumph. A mod where there's no deficiency of all new units, structures, capacities, and even titans! A mod where there's almost no restrictions keeping you down. It's about full scale, monstrous war. Wanna nuke your adversaries? You can. Superbly epic titan duels are your thing? Extreme Apocalypse has you secured. That, as well as Ultimate Apocalypse is consistently tried to guarantee the epic fight experience it conveys stays novel while being totally wonderful.

Ultimate Apocalypse Mod 1.88.7

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Ultimate Apocalypse Mod Download

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